Since the dawn of time man has constructed monuments for the ages.
The Pyramids, The Great Wall, The Statue of Liberty.
Yet … man still yearned to construct a special monument to symbolize the heritage of a great nation …
… and ‘The Shed was Born’!
In Newfoundland a Shed symbolizes part of who we are as a nation – the Shed nation.
Your Shed is a sacred place. It’s your home away from home, a place to hide, to entertain … and we want to know everything about it.
K-Rock is stamping our seal of approval on the greatest Shed’s in Newfoundland.
Do you think you have a ‘K-ROCK 5 STAR SHED’ ?
Listen to Saturday in Big Tom’s Shed and each week we’ll award one an official ‘K-Rock 5 Star Shed sign’.
Think your Shed Worthy? Apply Below Right Now! What makes your Shed unique? Why is it so important to you?
Tell us all about your Shed and why it deserves the K-Rock seal of approval. The most exclusive club in Newfoundland is just beginning: Apply below!