K-ROCK Video
K-ROCK'S BURNING LOVEK-ROCK'S GROUND DOG DAY 2018K-ROCK'S $10,000 Pumpkin Drop 2017K-ROCK'S RTW Tour 39Destination 37 of K-Rock's Rock The World TourK-ROCK's JLAC Weather Hit From Cape Spear97.5 K-ROCK - Dad Looks Like A LadyTony Angelo - Shave For The Brave97.5 KROCK - AC/U2/DC Winner97.5 K-ROCK Live in the studio with BUMP - Colored LightsK-ROCK'S $10,000 Pumpkin DropKROCK - Newfoundland's Classic RockA Simple Man - Father's Day WinnerThe Juggernaut with K-ROCK's JLAC & CANDICEK-ROCK'S - Just Watch UsK Rock Morning Show VS Cooked Chicken FeetK-ROCK'S Ground Dog Day - 2017